
Product names
The product names are written as follows: Pronto DC, Joker RT, Maestro SV.
The product family (e.g. Pronto) in small letters - only the initial is a capital letter, the type (e.g. DC) in capital letters.
The only exception is the logotype on the machines which is in capital letters.
Company names
The company name HORSCH is always written in capital letters, unless it refers to the family name, e.g. Mrs Cornelia Horsch or the Horsch family.
This is also true for the company name LEEB. In connection with the company name HORSCH LEEB Application Systems GmbH it is written in CAPITAL LETTERS. In connection with the family name, e.g. Mr Theo Leeb, but also in connection with the machine names Leeb PT, Leeb GS und Leeb LT Leeb – similar to all product names – is written in lower cases.
Please pay attention to the fact that HORSCH and the following word must never be connected with a hyphen (example: wrong: HORSCH-Service, correct: HORSCH Service).
Spelling List
german | english |
3-balkig | 3-bar |
3-fach | triple |
3-Punkt (Anbau) | 3-point (linkage) |
3-reihig | 3-row |
german | english |
AgroGanic | AgroGanic |
AgroVation | AgroVation |
AirSpeed | AirSpeed |
AirVac | AirVac |
AluClip | AluClip |
AutoForce | AutoForce |
AutoLine | AutoLine |
AutoSelect | AutoSelect |
AutoSteering | AutoSteering |
BoomControl | BoomControl |
BoomControl Eco | BoomControl Eco |
BoomControl Pro | BoomControl Pro |
BoomSight | BoomSight |
Bypass System | Bypass system |
CCS Pro | CCS Pro |
ClipOn | ClipOn |
ComfortDrive | ComfortDrive |
CommanderBox | CommanderBox |
ContinuousCleaningSystem | ContinuousCleaningSystem |
ContourFarming | ContourFarming |
CoverCrush | CoverCrush |
Cracker Packer | Cracker packer |
Crossbar (die) | Crossbar |
CurveControl | CurveControl |
D.Lab | D.Lab |
DiscSystem Scheibe | DiscSystem disc |
Distance Control | Distance Control |
Doppel | double |
Doppel RingFlex Packer | double RingFlex packer |
Doppel RollPack Packer | double RollPack packer |
DoubleCage Packer | DoubleCage packer |
DoubleDisc Packer | DoubleDisc packer |
DoubleShot Schar | DoubleShot coulter |
DrillManager | DrillManager |
Duett Schar | Duett coulter |
Duett Säschar | Duett coulter |
DuoDrill | DuoDrill |
german | english |
Eco | Eco |
Eco ProfiClean System | Eco ProfiClean System |
ECU-Bus | ECU-Bus |
EdgeOn | EdgeOn |
ErgoCommmand | ErgoCommand |
ErrorCode | ErrorCode |
ExaCut | ExaCut |
FarmFlex Packer | FarmFlex packer |
FertiProf | FertiProf |
Fingerdruckrolle | finger press wheel |
FlexBoot | FlexBoot |
FlexCut | FlexCut |
FlexGrip | FlexGrip |
Grain & Fertiliser oder G & F (wenn es als Langform bereits vorher im Text erwähnt wurde) | Grain & Fertiliser or G & F (if the long version has already been mentioned in the text) |
HighPowerGear | HighPowerGear |
HillControl | HillControl |
HillControl Pro | HillControl Pro |
HM Scharspitze | HM coulter point |
HM+ Scharspitze | HM+ coulter point |
HORSCH Assist | HORSCH Assist |
HORSCH Control | HORSCH Control |
HORSCH Federzinken | HORSCH spring tine |
HORSCH Notes | HORSCH Notes |
HORSCH Report | HORSCH Report |
HORSCH RowControl Verteilerturm | HORSCH RowControl distribution tower |
HORSCH Screen | HORSCH Screen |
HORSCH SingularSystem mit dem Funck-Dosierer | HORSCH SingularSystem with the Funck metering device |
HORSCH Telematics | HORSCH Telematics |
HORSCH Zinken | HORSCH tine |
HorschConnect | HorschConnect |
HorschGPT | HorschGPT |
Hybrid-Landwirtschaft | hybrid farming |
german | english |
I-Manager | I-Manager |
Krümelwerkzeug | crumbling tool |
LD Schar | LD coulter |
LD Plus Schar | LD Plus coulter |
Load Sensing | Load Sensing |
german | english |
Mikrogranulat | micro-granular compound |
MiniDrill | MiniDrill |
MiniFlow | MiniFlow |
MobileControl | MobileControl |
MotionControl | MotionControl |
MainTankSupply oder MainTankSupply MTS oder MTS (wenn es als Langform bereits vorher im Text erwähnt wurde) | MainTankSupply or MainTankSupply MTS or MTS (if the long version has already been mentioned in the text) |
MulchGrip | MulchGrip |
MulchMix | MulchMix |
MultiControl | MultiControl |
MultiSelect | MultiSelect |
NightLight | NightLight |
NozzlePlugControl oder NozzlePlugControl NPC oder NPC (wenn es als Langform bereits vorher im Text erwähnt wurde) | NozzlePlugControl or NozzlePlugControl NPC or NPC (if the long version has already been mentioned in the text) |
OptiCover | OptiCover |
OptiGear | OptiGear |
Optipack | Optipack |
OptiRoll | OptiRoll |
ParaDisc | ParaDisc |
Parallel Tracking | Parallel Tracking |
PartFinder | PartFinder |
PowerDisc | PowerDisc |
PowerFill | PowerFill |
PowerGear | PowerGear |
PowerPack | PowerPack |
PPF-System | PPF system |
PrecisionCalibrationSystem oder PrecisionCalibrationSystem PCS oder PCS (wenn es als Langform bereits vorher im Text erwähnt wurde) | PrecisionCalibrationSystem or PrecisionCalibrationSystem PCS or PCS (if the long version has already been mentioned in the text) |
PrecisionSpray | PrecisionSpray |
PrePlan | PrePlan |
ProfiBio | ProfiBio |
ProfiClean | ProfiClean |
german | english |
Reifenpacker | tyre packer |
RingFlex Packer | Ringflex packer |
RollCut Packer | RollCut packer |
RollFlex Packer | RollFlex packer |
RollPack Packer | RollPack packer |
RowControl | RowControl |
RowControl Verteilerturm | RowControl distribution tower |
RowLift | RowLift |
S-Box | S-box |
SectionBox | SectionBox |
SectionControl | SectionControl |
Seed on Demand | Seed on Demand |
SeedControl | SeedControl |
SingleDisc | SingleDisc |
SingularSystem | SingularSystem |
SmartCan | SmartCan |
SmartClip | SmartClip |
SoftRide | SoftRide |
SplitRow | SplitRow |
SpotSpraying | SpotSpraying |
Stabwalze | cage drum roller |
Stacheldruckrolle | spike press wheel |
SteelDisc Packer | SteelDisc packer |
SteelFlex Packer | SteelFlex packer |
StripTill | StripTill |
SupportView | SupportView |
Tank Control | Tank Control |
TaskController | TaskController |
TerraCut | TerraCut |
TerraGrip | TerraGrip |
TerraGrip Zinken | TerraGrip tine |
ThinEdge | ThinEdge |
TopRing Packer | TopRing packer |
Track Finder | Track Finder |
Track Leader | Track Leader |
Trapezringpacker | trapeze ring roller |
Tripletank | triple tank |
TurboDisc | TurboDisc |
TurboEdge | TurboEdge |
TurboEdge Schar | TurboEdge coulter |
german | english |
ULD+ Schar | ULD+ coulter |
Ultra ThinEdge | Ultra ThinEdge |
VariableFrame | VariableFrame |
VariableRate | VariableRate |
WideEdge | WideEdge |
Winterpacker | winter packer |
WorkLight | WorkLight |
Zahnpacker | tooth packer |
Prounoun | Machine |
DER | Airseeder, Cruiser, Cura, Finer, Focus, Fortis, Leeb CT, Leeb FT, Leeb PT, Leeb VL, Leeb VN, Leeb VT, Leeb Xeric, Mono, Partner, Shuttle, Sprinter, Terrano, Tiger, Titan, Transformer |
DIE | Avatar, Crossbar, Cultro, Express, Joker, Kredo, Leeb AX, Leeb CS, Leeb GS, Leeb LT, Leeb TD, Maestro, MiniDrill, Pronto, Serto, Solus, Taro, Versa |